Chi è la prima donna italiana alla Nato?

Per la prima volta, una donna rappresenterà l’Italia alla Nato: è Maria Angela Zappia, nominata dal Consiglio dei Ministri ambasciatore presso l’Alleanza Atlantica a Bruxelles. Un segnale, dopo la nomina di altre due donne come ministri degli Esteri e della Difesa, che “dà un volto dell’Italia più dinamico e veloce”, ha sottolineato la titolare della Farnesina, Federica Mogherini. Zappia, nata a Viadana (Mantova) nel 1959, vanta una lunga esperienza nella diplomazia italiana. Laureata in scienze politiche a Firenze, Zappia arriva dall’Onu. Mi è venuta la curiosità di cercarne il curriculum. Ho scoperto che ha aderito all’iniziativa “I’m rising…” (qui le sue dichiarazioni) contro la violenza sulle donne e non solo.

In May 2011, Mrs. Mariangela Zappia took office as Head of the European Union Delegation to the UN and other International Organisations in Geneva. She is a high-ranking Italian diplomat, with 28 years of extensive and diverse experience, especially focused on multilateral affairs, institutional communication and information, press and media relations, and development cooperation.

In her previous postings, Mrs. Zappia has been Minister Plenipotentiary at the Mission of Italy to the UN and other International Organisations in Geneva.  She was given a special assignment as coordinator of major events under the Italian Presidency of the G8 in 2009. She was successively Head of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Balkans Department of the General Directorate for Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, First Counsellor at the Mission of Italy to the UN in New York, First Counsellor at the Italian Embassy in Brussels, detached on a special assignment to the NATO media task-force during the conflict in Kosovo, Counsellor in charge of relations with the Italian press and media at the Press and Information Service and Office of the Spokesperson of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Rome, and held different positions in New York (1990-1993), Dakar (1986-1990) and Rome (1983-1986).

Mrs. Zappia holds a Master degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Florence and a Post-graduate degree in Diplomatic and International Relations. She has followed periodic high-level training courses on diplomatic practice and management at the Diplomatic Academy of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome.

Mrs. Zappia has published on the Reform of the Security Council and on the Contribution of Italy to UN peace-keeping operations.  

She speaks fluent English and French and has a good comprehension of Spanish.

Mrs. Mariangela Zappia is married and mother of two children.

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